About the Books

The Cold Case Handbook

By: Joseph Giacalone

Cold Case Handbook

The Cold Case Handbook is a beginning to end guide on choosing from choosing a cold case to reinvestigate to preparing for trail. It includes not only steps and suggestions for law enforcement, but for the true crime community and the victim’s family as well.

The Foreward is written by Dr. Henry Lee and includes the breakdown of the two new federal laws that will push cold cases back into the spotlight where they belong.

The Cold Case Handbook is published by Blue 360 Media and is available on Amazon.

Read more about the Handbook

I’m creating an entire site surrounding the Cold Case Handbook, the two new federal laws, and everything that deals with cold cases.

Check out the new website Cold Case Handbook

The Criminal Investigative Function: A Guide for New Investigators 4th Ed.

By: Joseph Giacalone

Criminal Investigative Function: A Guide for New Investigators 4th EditionNewly updated and expanded: March 2023!

The Criminal Investigative Function: A Guide for New Investigators 4th Edition (388 pages), gives an insider’s view of the challenges investigators face. The text covers everything from crime scene to court room with everything in between. The book is investigator focused. Want to know how detectives think and act? What it takes to solve a murder? Then this guide is for you!

The Criminal Investigation Function: A Guide for New Investigators 4th Edition is now published by Blue 360 Media and is available anywhere books are sold.